Fixes an issue where sometimes the InputStream wasn't being properly closed. This package is no longer attached to the image_picker, and because of that, camera permission is also no longer required.
Adds getFile() utility method that does the same of getFilePath() but returns a File object instead, for the returned path.Paths from DRM protected files won't be loaded (see README for more details). In iOS this will let you select from your music library. You can now use FileType.AUDIO to pick audio files.Nevertheless, you should keep using getFilePath() for single path picking. Optionally, it also supports filtering by file extension, otherwise all files will be selectable. You can now pick multiple files by using the getMultiFilePath() method which will return a Map with all paths from selected files, where the key matches the file name and the value its path.FileType.CAMERA is no longer available, if you need it, you can use this package along with image_picker.Single methods such as getFilePath(), getMultiFilePath(), getFile() and getMultiFile() are no longer availble in favor o pickFiles().
Major refactor with some clean-up and improvements. This is particularly helpful on web or if you are going to upload to somehwere else Added parameter withData that allows file data to be immediately available on memory as Uint8List (part of PlatformFile instance). On iOS picking audio now supports multiple and cloud picks. Caching process is only made once, so once done, the picked instance should be the same On Android all picked files are scoped cached which should result in most of files being available. Added classes FilePickerResult and PlatformFile classes with helper getters. Simplified usage, now you only need to use () with desired parameters which will return a FilePickerResult with a List containing the picked data. Because platforms are unified and mixing File instances from dart:io and dart:html required stubbing and bloated code, it's no longer available as helper method so you'll have to instanciate a File with the picked paths. You'll now have to use () and extract the files from FilePickerResult. Both file_picker_interface and file_picker_web are no longer mantained from now on. Unifies all platforms (IO, Web and Desktop) in a single plugin (file_picker) that can be used seamlessly across all.